Get to Know Octopuses, Crabs, Sharks and Snakes in Museum Programs
Enjoy Fun Family Programs at the Museum of Coastal Carolina in January
Meet an octopus, a shark and a horseshoe crab in the Museum of Coastal Carolina’s popular Sea Tales program this January.
Plus, you can get to know reptiles just a little better in the Museum’s new STEM Cart program Animal Innovators.
Here’s a complete breakdown of what’s on the schedule at the Museum:
Thursdays at 11 a.m. – Sea Tales: Listen to stories starring animals or exhibits displayed at the Museum and complete interactive crafts or science activities based on each story:
Jan. 16 – Inky the Octopus by Erin Guendelsberger – Follow Inky the octopus as he escapes from his tank at the National Aquarium of New Zealand to the open ocean! Based on a true story, this book chronicles the adventure that the real-life Inky might have taken on his escape to freedom. We will read about Inky’s great adventure and make our own Inky the Octopus.
Jan. 23 – Smiley Shark by Ruth Galloway – Far away in the deep rolling ocean lived Smiley Shark. Smiley Shark longed to dip and dive, jiggle and jive, dart and dash with a splish and a splash with all the other fish; but whenever he smiled at them, they swam away. But when all of the other fish are trapped in a fisherman’s net, it’s up to Smiley Shark to find a way to free them—and he saves the day with his big, toothy smile! We will read Smiley Shark’s heroic tale and make a shark jaw craft.
Jan. 30 – Harry Horseshoe Crab by Suzanne Tate – Follow the story of Harry Horseshoe Crab and learn all about these amazing animals. After the story, we will make our own horseshoe crab and get a close up look at horseshoe crab shells.
Fridays at 11 a.m. – Touch Tank Feeding: With staff and trained volunteer assistance, gently touch the sea creatures living in the Museum’s Touch Tank and watch trained volunteers feed the animals.
Saturdays from 11 a.m. – noon – Animal Innovators STEM Cart Program. Every Saturday at 11 a.m. explore innovative adaptations developed by species of the coastal Carolinas on our STEM Cart. Through fun demonstrations and activities, explore some of the amazing things reptiles, amphibians, birds, mammals, and fish do from unique coloration to protective spines and fins.
Jan. 18 – Reptiles and Brumation – When the weather turns cold many reptiles, including our own Eastern Box Turtle, brumate. Learn what brumation is, why animals brumate, and what animals need for brumation through an interactive activity.
Jan 25 – Reptiles – Venomous or Not? – Can you tell the difference between a venomous and non-venomous snake? Test your skills through a fun sorting game and learn how to tell if a snake is venomous or not.