We welcome you and hope you will have an enjoyable vacation!
• Please keep off the dunes – they are turtle nesting grounds and protect the Island during storms.
• Fireworks and laser pointers are not permitted.
• Please do not litter. Trash receptacles are conveniently located for your use.
• Use only plastic containers or cans on the beach. For your safety, glass containers are not permitted.
• For everyone’s safety, do not launch or recover motorized watercraft from the beach.
• While we welcome your dog joining you on our beach, we do have rules about when and under what circumstances.
Dogs must be on a leash at all times.
From the Friday before Memorial Day through Labor Day, dogs are not allowed on the beach from 8 am through 6 pm.
It’s no fun to have wet, sandy dogs shaking on you while you are sunbathing.
For health and safety issues, we ask that you please remove any feces promptly and deposit them in the trash receptacles.
• Surfing is not permitted from 5th Street to 32nd Street.
• Please do not block the public accesses to the beach. Emergency vehicles must be able to access the strand.
• Because we are a turtle sanctuary, all personal property must be removed from the beach strand at dark and not returned until sunrise each day so that turtles can come ashore unobstructed. This also ensures safe walking on our beautiful shore at night.
• Bonfires, charcoal and gas grills are NOT ALLOWED ON THE BEACH or within ten (10) feet of a residence as they may cause fires.
• All vehicular traffic is prohibited from the beach strand.
• Sleeping or camping on the beach strand after dark is not allowed.
• If you dig holes in the sand, please refill the sand to prevent visitors from being hurt and to ensure that turtles may come ashore without danger of falling in the hole.
• Cabanas are prohibited on the strand between 27th and First streets. Cabanas may not be put up prior to 7 am and must be taken down each day, there must also be a 10-foot distance between tents.
The Town of Sunset Beach has instituted these rules (ordinances) primarily to protect the environment and to add to your enjoyment and safety while you are visiting with us.
Our beach is patrolled during the day, but it is not guarded. Please exercise good judgment when swimming in the ocean.
Welcome to Sunset Beach, have a great visit, and please, leave only your footprints in the sand!