Granddaddy of King Mackerel Tournaments:
Forty two years ago a small group of community leaders met and decided that they needed an event to showcase the great fall fishing Southport-Oak Island area has to offer.
The prizes and expenses for the first tournament were guaranteed by those community leaders signing a promissory note at a local financial institution – thus the U.S. Open King Mackerel Tournament was born.
The U.S. Open King Mackerel Tournament now attracts over 400 boats of all sizes annually and is held in high esteem by the community and anglers.
2021 Fishing Dates: October 1st & October 2nd
2021 Tournament Headquarters Announcement
The 2021 U.S. Open King Mackerel Tournament Headquarters will be at Dutchman Creek Park. The Southport Marina is open (fuel and transient docks have opened) but dock reconstruction continues.
The marina may be fully restored soon but it will not be ready to host this year’s tournament. ranizers We hope to return to the Southport Marina in 2022.
Sponsors include Brunswick County Parks & Recreation Department, Duke Energy, American Marine Construction, Rusty Hooks Dockside Grill, Safe Harbor South Harbour Village Marina with logistics for moving the 2021 tournament to Dutchman Creek Park.
Fees & Registration Information: